تاسك ٢ دائما يجي في شكل مقال ويطلب منك تكتب ٢٥٠ كلمة كمقال عن موضوع السؤال اللي عندك. .. والاسئلة التعدادية ما تجي كثير في الاختبار .. يعني تجي تقريبا بنسبة ٣٠٪
وهذا القالب اللي راح تستخدمه مع كل أنواع أسئلة تاسك ٢

ودحين خليني اوريك مثال من مشاركتكم تم حلهم باستخدام القالب 🤸🏻♀️
المثال 1️⃣:
هذا مثال بدرجة ٦.٥ من مشاركتكم تم حله بالكامل باستخدام القالب..

There is no doubt the number of young people who migrate from rural areas to urban areas has increased tremendously in the recent years. While some think the disadvantages of this phenomenon outweigh the merits, I agree with those who argue that the merits outweigh the demerits in many ways.
In terms of the reasons, the most significant reason to leave the countryside and move to cities is that most of the universities are located in the cities and these universities attract the ambitious students who want to complete their education and earn higher degree. Moreover, the second reason is that there are a lot of jobs in cities, which is much easier to professionals to find a job compared with the rural regions.
However, some people believe there are some disadvantages of leaving the countryside. Firstly, the most substantial drawback is that it may increase the cities’ population. Thus, the cities may face many difficulties to find to them residence. Secondly, this migration leaves the rural areas abandoned, which may make farmers leave their farms. Nevertheless, one of the most significant benefits of moving to cities is that it will give pupils the chance of completing their education. The result of this is that it will climb the numbers of the university graduates.
In conclusion, most of the humans in rural areas tend to move to urban areas for some reasons related to their education and their career. Therefore, although there are some negative aspects of this phenomenon, I wholeheartedly believe that the advantages of this statement outweigh the disadvantages.
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