سؤال الفراغات بقسم القراءة نوع من الأسئلة البعض يشوفها صعبة بسبب انه الاجابة الصح تكون كلمة الى ثلاث كلمات فقط في الفراغ لكن مع التدرب على تطبيق التكنيكات حيمديك تتغلب على صعوبة هذي الأسئلة.
ايش شكل السؤال؟
- يكون زي فقرة وفيها فراغات تعبيها من القطعة.
ايش طريقة الحل؟
- حدد كم كلمة راح تكتبها في الفراغ.
- حدد الكلمات الدلالية في السؤال.
- خمن ايش ممكن تكون الإجابة.
كيف تحل اسئلة الفراغات؟
خليني اوضح لك بشكل عملي كيف تحل هذي الأسئلة خطوة بخطوة.
Complete the summary below. Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.
The first urban bike-sharing scheme
The first bike-sharing scheme was the idea of the Dutch group Provo. The people who belonged to this group were (23)…….…………. They were concerned about damage to the environment and about (24)…….……………, and believed that the bike-sharing scheme would draw attention to these issues. As well as painting some bikes white, they handed out (25)………….………. that condemned the use of cars.
However, the scheme was not a great success: almost as quickly as Provo left the bikes around the city, the (26)………..……….. took them away. According to Schimmelpennink, the scheme was intended to be symbolic. The idea was to get people thinking about the issues.
الكلمات الدلالية:
The first urban bike-sharing scheme
The first bike-sharing scheme was the idea of the Dutch group Provo. The people who belonged to this group were 23 ………… They were concerned about damage
to the environment and about 24 ………………, and believed that the bike-sharing
scheme would draw attention to these issues. As well as painting some bikes white, they handed out 25 ……………..that condemned the use of cars.
However, the scheme was not a great success: almost as quickly as Provo left the bikes around the city, the 26 ………….. took them away. According to
Schimmelpennink, the scheme was intended to be symbolic. The idea was to get people thinking about the issues.
A The original idea for an urban bike-sharing scheme dates back to a summer’s day in Amsterdam in 1965. Provo, the organisation that came up with the idea, was a group of Dutch activists who wanted to change society. They believed the scheme, which was known as the Witte Fietsenplan, was an answer to the perceived threats of air pollution and consumerism. In the centre of Amsterdam, they painted a small number of used bikes white. They also distributed leaflets describing the dangers of cars and inviting people to use the white bikes. The bikes were then left unlocked at various locations around the city. to be used by anyone in need of transport.
B Luud Schimmelpennink, a Dutch industrial engineer who still lives and cycles in Amsterdam, was heavily involved in the original scheme. He recalls how the scheme succeeded in attracting a great deal of attention particularly when it came to publicising Provo’s aims but struggled to get off the ground. The police were opposed to Provo’s initiatives and almost as soon as the white bikes were distributed around the city, they removed them.
في الفقرة هنا يتكلم عن كيف بدأت المبادرة وهدفها والصعوبات اللي واجهتها.
في البداية يقول انه الفكرة كانت لمجموعة من الناشطين activists وهذي اجابة السؤال ٢٣ لأنه سأل عن انه الناس اللي تنتمي لهذا الجروب كانو ايش.
وأنهم اعتبروا مبادرتهم فيها حل لمشكلة التلوث وثقافة الاستهلاك consumerism وهذي اجابة السؤال ٢٤ لأنه يسأل عن اهتمامتهم كانت بالبيئة وايش كمان.
ومن الأشياء اللي سووها أنهم دهنوا دراجات باللون الأبيض ووزعوا نشرات توعوية leaflets وهذا اللي سأل عنه في السؤال رقم ٢٥ handed out معناها وزع
وفي الفقرة الثانية يوصف الموضوع والمشاكل اللي واجهوها وأنه الشرطة police كانت معارضة للمبادرة وقاموا بإزالة الدراجات أول ما تم توزيعهم وفي السؤال رقم ٢٦ كان يسأل مين اللي اخذ الدراجات.
إذا استفدت شارك هذا المقال 💛
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