الأسئلة المتوقعة هي باختصار تضمن لك قسم المحادثة بالكامل لانه حتكون عارف ايش الأسئلة اللي راح المختبر راح يسألك عنها.. يمديك تحصلها من هنا ويتم تحديثها كل ٤ شهور بالنسخة الجديدة من الأسئلة
ودحين راح اوضح لك مثال عملي كيف تكون أسئلة القسم الثاني والثالث اذا كان السؤال عن الاشخاص او الـ People وكيف تجاوب عليها.
السؤال الأول:

Answer (Part Two)
If I had to talk about myself, I would say I am a very reserved person and it takes a lot of time to become familiar with strangers. However, I love spending time with my family. I am very close to both my parents but as we are all working (as they are working and I am studying), it’s hard for us to spend time together. The person I do spend a lot of time with is my nephew- my sister’s child. He is nearly five years old. He is very special to me.
There are many reasons for that. Firstly, everyone says that he looks like me and secondly, we both like spending time with each other. I think the reason for that is we feel very comfortable with each other. I get to act like a child around him and I miss being a child. He is also like me very shy with strangers and he is very naughty just like I was in my childhood.
So, spending time with him reminds me of my childhood in some ways. In my childhood, I was in a hurry to grow up but now I sometimes wish I could reverse time and bring back my childhood. There are so many things we do together. But something that we really enjoy doing is to play pranks. I think we can do that all day long. We also both love eating chocolates, so whenever we can, we try to buy and eat chocolates secretly.
However, I do get scolded sometimes as I am an adult. I also have a dog and so we both like playing with her. We love taking her out on walks and feeding her. In the evening, I take my nephew to the park and just spend time on the swings. Sometimes, I wish he would always remain a child, but I know that’s not going to happen even if I wish for it a million times.
Answers (Part Three)
- I think the situation in Saudi Arabia is undergoing a change. Earlier joint families were more common and three or four generations used to live together. On the other hand, nowadays, nuclear families are more common with a maximum of two generations living together.
- Yes, it is really important to meet family regularly. I think family defines us and family is what supports us and stands with us in bad times. However, I think this selfless bond only stays if we remain in contact with each other.
- They think the main values of family in Saudi Arabia are respect for elders and prioritizing the needs of the family over our individual needs. That is why, in Saudi Arabia we think we rather in I, for example, we own a house, we own this car.
- Family bonding is necessary for happiness because it gives us secure. I mean it makes us feel that we are not alone, there is someone behind us.
- I think certainly. There is an element of selflessness in family relationships, which I feel is missing when it comes to support from friends. Also, it doesn’t create a burden. What I mean is we do take help from friends but then it also makes us feel that we have to repay it. This feeling doesn’t come in the case of family. 6- I think both parents should be equally responsible. However, I also believe that both parents necessarily don’t teach the same things. For example, both boys and girls learn gender appropriate behavior from fathers, while they love more about loving, sharing and caring from mother.
السؤال الثاني:

Answer (Part Two)
I have learnt many important things from people around me. One such important thing that I learnt is cooking. My mother taught me this skill. Ever since I made a plan to go abroad for my higher education my mother started involving me in the kitchen. My mother is in her 40s.
she is not very tall but looks very beautiful. Her hair has started graying but she doesn’t colour or dye her hair. She has a gifted hand at cooking. Normally she does all the cooking by herself and sometimes my sister helps her, but I hardly ever did anything in the kitchen. But now she has taught me how to knead the dough, how to prepare chicken, how to cook rice, how to prepare some vegetables and also how to make pasta.
Actually, my cousin went to Canada for her education and there he found a lot of difficulty cooking for himself. So cooking is a very important skill which I think everyone should know. I am very happy that I can cook for myself now and I can make all the things which I like. Last week my mother had an attack of viral fever, when suddenly my aunt and uncle came from Riyadh. I prepared rice and chicken for them and both of these things turned out really good. They were very happy and praised me in front of everyone. My mother was very proud of me that day.
My mother has also taught me some Chinese dishes. I really love cheese chili and Manchurian. Now I can make these dishes also and I can add the vegetables and sauces according to my liking. I feel that my mother has done a great job by teaching me this important skill of cooking. I would never have learnt it without her guidance.
Answers (Part Three)
- A good teacher should have good communication skills, depth of knowledge of his subject and should be unbiased towards students. He should also be able to come down to the level of a student and never lose patience if the student is taking time to grasp something.
- I think young people learn faster, whereas old people take some time to learn something new. But as far as better is concerned I think both can learn equally well provided they have the interest to learn.
- I think five years is the best age for children to go to school. 3 to 4 would be too early and later than five would be too late. So, ideally the best age would be around five years.
- I prefer to study with friends because when I study alone, I get distracted very soon. Moreover, when I study with my friends, we can share ideas and that makes study more interesting.
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