الأسئلة المتوقعة هي باختصار تضمن لك قسم المحادثة بالكامل لانه حتكون عارف ايش الأسئلة اللي راح المختبر راح يسألك عنها.. يمديك تحصلها من هنا ويتم تحديثها كل ٤ شهور بالنسخة الجديدة من الأسئلة
ودحين راح اوضح لك مثال عملي كيف تكون اسئلة القسم الثاني والثالث اذا كان السؤال عن الاحداث او الـ Events وكيف تجاوب عليها.
السؤال الأول:

Answer (Part Two)
I was once travelling to Dubai from Riyadh and met this amazing guy on an airplane. So, he sat next to me and I was busy gazing out of the airplane just to kill time and he initiated the conversation with a joke. We both laughed and then we talked about toastmasters.
He was part of it and I was as well. So, we talked about our first speeches and the people we meet throughout our Toastmasters journey. Our mistakes and the people we admire for their speeches. We then talked about travelling and the places we have been too.
He had been in Jeddah and I have lived there. So, we shared our diaries as well. It was particularly interesting because of some reasons we found a ground to connect with and we took off from there
Answers (Part Three)
- Men generally talk about sports, business, politics, whereas women talk about fashion, family and children. However, gender differences are disappearing very rapidly. It is not surprising to see women talk about politics and men talk about cooking and fashion.
- Face to face conversation allows a person to use expressions and gestures, which add life to any conversation. It has a personal touch. There is little room for telling lies. On the other hand, a phone conversation can be very deceptive.
- Some people are stage shy. They can’t speak in front of a gathering. They have glossophobia.
- By using visual aids, the presentation can become more interesting and can bind the audience. So, it is very necessary to use visual aids while giving a presentation.
- Body language can do what words cannot. It is a nonverbal communication. It involves gestures, movements and expressions to convey messages. It breaks the barrier of unfamiliarity.
السؤال الثاني:

Answer (Part Two)
have had both negative and positive experiences while working in teams. Today, I am going to talk about the best experience I have had. I think it was because I had a good rapport with the team members and also because the role I undertook was something I enjoyed a lot.
In 12th standard as a part of the course of economics, our class was given a team project. My teacher made teams of three members and the team members were selected randomly. Unfortunately, I did not know any of the other team members in my group. I mean I knew their names but nothing more than that.
So, I was very apprehensive at the beginning, but it all changed with time. We were allowed to choose the topic of the project ourselves. So, we chose the topic of global economic crisis during 2007 – 2008.
All of us were very curious about what happened for such a big crisis and moreover why Saudi Arabia was not very affected. You can say I was the nerd in the team, so I was given the role of collecting data. However, both the other team members also helped. I still remember how we spent every afternoon sitting and reading books on the topic in the library. We also read some journals on the topic on the internet.
It was during this part that we three became really good friends. I compiled all the information and then all of it into divided different portions and wrote it down. The last part of the project was a team presentation. I was really afraid as I found speaking in front of people really daunting.
But my teammates really helped me then. I think we practiced giving the presentation three four times and that made me much more confident. I think we all did really well in the presentation because only two teams got an A grade in the presentation and we were one of the two.
Answers (Part Three)
- I like working alone because I kind of hate being dependent upon other people. However, it also depends upon the team members. If I have a good rapport with the team members, I find it rather enjoyable.
- The most important quality I try to look for in team members is sincerity. I mean sincerity with work. I have unfortunately worked with a lot of people who procrastinate endlessly, and I really dislike working with such people.
- Yes, group learning/work is certainly enjoyable because it involves sharing of ideas and discussions. Working/Studying alone sometimes can be very boring. However, sometimes it is also irritating especially if some of the team members like talking a lot because then I get distracted.
- The biggest advantage of studying alone undoubtedly is that we can concentrate better. So, it is more efficient to study alone. Another advantage of studying alone is the flexibility it offers. What I mean is that we can study whenever or wherever we want, and we can study at our pace.
- The main benefit I feel is children learn how to cooperate and work along with others. This is really beneficial in adult life when people have to work together on projects.
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