الأسئلة المتوقعة هي باختصار تضمن لك قسم المحادثة بالكامل لانه حتكون عارف ايش الأسئلة اللي راح المختبر راح يسألك عنها.. يمديك تحصلها من هنا ويتم تحديثها كل ٤ شهور بالنسخة الجديدة من الأسئلة.
السؤال الأول:

Answer (Part Two)
I use the internet almost every day and if I make a list of useful websites, the list would be pretty long. I would like to talk about www.google.com website that I find very useful for me. Google.com is the most visited website in the world as well as the best search engine currently. It helps people to search for any query or search keyword they have. It searches websites, video, news, image, and information for the search keywords. The results are relevant and one gets enough information s/he is looking for from this website which mainly fetches information from all around the internet.
I first used this website in 2000 when I read an article in a computer magazine about this search engine website. Nowadays this website has become so popular that a 5 years kid from any part of the world knows about Google. This website basically contains a search input box, different searching options like video search, image search, web search etc. advanced search options, some copyright and help links and 2 buttons to search. Since this website brings results from the World Wide Web, after we search for something, the results are shown as well on this website. This has become a very popular search engine because the result it shows serves the searchers’ purpose.
For more than a decade, I have been using this website for searching things I want. It can find search results virtually for anything someone searches. For me, this website is a great place to find information, references, academic books, story, news, websites and anything I wanted to know and find. This website is the gateway to other websites for me.
Answers (Part Three)
- It depends on the situation. Parents should voluntarily give advice, but other people should wait to be consulted. In general, I believe consultation is always a good strategy, because there are always more brains involved to solve the problem. In my opinion we definitely should consult an expert when choosing a career path and this consultation should be based on our will, interests and abilities on one side and that person’s knowledge on the other side.
- The advice of both teachers and parents is important in its own way. Parents know the temperament of their children and so can advise accordingly. Teachers can identify the strong and weak point of the student and advise accordingly.
- Yes, teachers who are trained as counselors can give advice. But good teachers are role models of students and their advice is followed.
- They are usually forced to follow. Their liking is not asked mostly. So, there is cultural acceptance to follow parents and elders as they are considered to be more knowledgeable.
- Saudi parents give advice on almost everything. For example, they advise their children what clothes to wear, what course to follow and what friends to make
السؤال الثاني:

Answer (Part Two)
I have learnt many practical skills in my childhood from people around me in my life. Here I would like to talk about a very useful practical skill of cooking, which I learnt from my mother. I have been slowly learning it from my mother since my childhood.
My mother is in her forties and she is very tall and beautiful. She has a gifted hand in cooking. She has her unique way of teaching us, I mean me and my sister, how to cook. She never made us feel as if she was teaching us. She just kept us involved in the kitchen while she cooked.
We learnt a lot just by observing her. I learnt cooking because I too want to be able to cook like her. I also learnt cooking because it is a very useful skill in today’s time. Moreover, as I plan to go abroad for my higher education, this skill will be very useful. I will not face any food problems.
I am a vegetarian and I have heard that veg. food outlets are very few in foreign countries. This skill has proved very useful because many times I have been able to attend to guests when my mother was not at home. My mother not only taught me simple routine cooking but also some Chinese dishes. She also taught me how to make pizzas in the electric tandoor.
She also bakes excellent cakes. Whenever anybody in our neighborhoods celebrates a birthday, the cake is always baked by my mother. She loves experimenting in the kitchen and she has many of her own recipes which are quick and easy and at the same time very delicious. She also presents her dishes very well. She says that the look of the dish is as important as its taste. I am fortunate, I have a talented mother who has taught me this useful skill
Answers (Part Three)
- I believe that age is not a factor. Willingness to learn can make a person of any age learn anything. Recently, I taught my grandpa how to use a computer and made his Facebook ID. Now he and his computer are inseparable. He is very active on the Facebook.
- It depends on the skill. If the skill is stitching clothes, then twenty0 is better. If the skill is related to technology, the five is as good as twenty.
- I will learn from anyone who is willing to teach me patiently. I can also learn from the YouTube videos on the net.
- Children learn very quickly if they like what they are learning. But if they are forced to learn, they do not learn it well, as it is a halfhearted approach.
- Yes, I think boys and girls should learn the same skills. There are no gender differences nowadays. Everybody should be free to choose what they want to learn.
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