الأسئلة المتوقعة هي باختصار تضمن لك قسم المحادثة بالكامل لانه حتكون عارف ايش الأسئلة اللي راح المختبر راح يسألك عنها.. يمديك تحصلها من هنا ويتم تحديثها كل ٤ شهور بالنسخة الجديدة من الأسئلة
ودحين راح اوضح لك مثال عملي كيف تكون أسئلة القسم الثاني والثالث اذا كان السؤال عن الاماكن او الـ Places وكيف تجاوب عليها.
السؤال الأول:

Answer (Part Two)
My recent Hong Kong trip made me familiar with some of the crowded places there. I went shopping at a local street market after knowing about the features but experienced extreme noise and crowds that I failed to tolerate to some extent. And I never had this type of experience before. I went to Stanley Market in the city to get some necessary items I forgot to bring from my home in Saudi Arabia. This is a great cue card task for me. I will love answering the remaining questions. I went to Hong Kong for some personal purpose. The trip was interesting and I came to know about numerous matters that I did not know before. Someone from the hotel told me to visit the street markets to get the necessary things. Accordingly, I paid a visit and experienced the crowd. But luckily, I got my stuff at a cheaper price.
The place was too noisy for several reasons. First of all, it was a street market and thus it was crowded. People from around the city gathered there to get their things. A lot of street shops were there laden with various types of goods. All of the people present at the market were talking and the sounds were intolerable to some extent. The people who have not been at the market will not understand the noise. At a point, it appeared that the entire place was filled with life. Initially, I was uncomfortable amid the noise. The sellers and buyers were trying to convince each other and some of the sellers were shouting across the market after the search of potential customers. But after passing about one hour in the market, I tried to adjust to the situation.
Answers (Part Three)
- What a fascinating question! My personal thought is that there’s virtually no absolutely peaceful and quiet spot in modern society. At least there’s some soft background noise or music to make the air less dull and heavy. Having said this, at night, we can catch sight of many parts of the town noiseless and dead quiet, which can be explained by the fact that most people might have fallen into a sound sleep.
- Like some of my friends, I’m an extrovert and really love being surrounded by a great many people. Therefore, I often hang out with a bunch of buddies in some vibrant places like the cinema or parks to let my hair down after some hard work days. Another point worth mentioning is that only by being somewhere packed with people can I broaden my social circles and have fresh experiences. Otherwise, I will feel dead bored if there are no gorgeous chicks around to flirt, just a joke.
- It’s hard to tell, I don’t have any preference when it comes to this but sometimes it depends on the purpose of liking it. First and foremost, if I talk about my own place at home, of course I would say that I would like to have a huge space because it feels comfortable and cozy to live in a spacious house. As a matter of fact, we just moved into a bigger house recently and living there seems to feel like heaven. However, there’s an exemption, if it talks about the city, I prefer a small city because it is less hassle and way more peaceful compared to large cities.
- The two places which attract the most people in our country are religious places and shopping malls. People in my country just love being at these places and you will always find these places crowded.5- I think, nowadays, the most important thing of a public event is the security of the people because in huge crowd things can easily go wrong and lead to mishaps. Another arrangement that organisers should take care of would be public conveniences like drinking water, urinals etcetera. Organisers should also have plans for emergency situations like fire.
السؤال الثاني:

Answer (Part Two)
Well, friends are very important for human beings. The most interesting thing, spending time with friends is precious as compared to others. I always prefer to go with my friends to different types of places and occasions. But here I would like to talk about a time when I visited a place with friends.
I remember, last Sunday, my classmates and I visited cafe coffee Day. It is located at Abdul Aziz Road which is very near to the college. That day was very special to me and my friends because that day we got high marks (or graduated). Apart from that, we decided to celebrate a special day in a special place. This cafe is very special for us because we spend all special college moments there such as birthdays, anniversaries and so on.
After it, this cafe also favorites for us because we like the interior of this cafe, drizzle lights, paintings, soothing colors on the walls, wooden furniture as well as wooden floor. When we visited there at that time, we were thinking in the future we will also open this type of cafe. Interestingly, we reached there approximately 11 a.m. We were sitting at the last tables. After that, we ordered a medium chocolate cake, four cappuccinos. But I ordered a creamy ice cap because I do not like hot drinks. In 20 minutes, we received the order then we cut the cake.
Moreover, we had a drink and we discussed future planning. My two friends told me they wanted to go abroad to settle there. We spent a lot of time together. At last, not least, finally we decided when any special occasion will come to life, then we will also meet here and celebrate together. According to me, that time was very special for me and my friends. We will never forget that time for the rest of my life. That time was also precious for me because at last point I saw a smile on my friend’s face which is memorable for me.
Answers (Part Three)
- Friends are very important in my life, but usually I meet with my friends on the weekends as well as on special occasions. With it, when we are free from work then we decide the particular place with the help of WhatsApp group. If any friend is stuck in any sort of trouble then, we immediately reach that place without notice any day, night and time. We spend free time together.
- In my culture, all people are very jolly and they also like to make friends. The most interesting thing, they always stand with their friends in any type of situation. Friendship is very important in my area because they judge them with friends and friendship. Friends choice also shows the states and thinking of any person. So according to me, friendship is a very essential part of my culture.
- According to my perspective, a good friend looks like a mirror who shows clean and dirty things without any fear. A good friend is always honest with their friends and doesn’t cheat with the friend. Apart from that, there are some main qualities of good friends such as trustworthy, loyal, non-judgmental, respectful, good teachers, helpers and so on. These qualities are very important because sometimes some people share their problems with their friends as compared to family members and they are more comfortable with their friends. Then good friends definitely give good advice and guide in a better as well as a good way.
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